The Advantages of a Virtualised Desktop Environment
Incorporating a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) will allow you to host desktops from a central server. This technology will allow your company to concentrate all of its PC operating systems into a small number of devices and “virtual machines,” which end users will be able to access over a network. The desktop that they see will be exactly the same as if they were running it from a standard PC on their desk. However, unlike the physical hardware that is needed when working from a desktop PC, a virtualised desktop environment has a number of advantages.
Allows for Simple and Efficient Desktop Management
Firstly, virtualising your desktops means that you are able to manage them using remote software technology, in one single step. No matter how many desktops you have within your organisation, you will be well aware that adding software, copying information, and troubleshooting a problem can be significantly more time-consuming and difficult if they need to be rolled out on each desktop separately. Using VDI will give you the ability to centrally manage all of your desktops, which will inevitably save you time, resources, and money. Remember, this doesn’t just mean that you can only centrally manage a group of desktops in a specific building; you are able to remotely access all of your company’s desktops throughout the world from one data centre.
Improves the Security of Your Data
Security is of utmost importance in any business, and it is a key factor in implementing and rolling out a VDI. This infrastructure will provide you with ultimate control over all of your data; it will be able to restrict certain usage such as downloading information onto a mobile device or sharing it with unknown contacts. If all of your data is stored in a central location, then it will be easily accessible to any individual. However, the security protocols that are in place for this type of data storage are highly effective and secure, and unlike conventional data storage methods, if your data is stored on a mobile device and it is stolen, your information is protected and recoverable.
Cost-Effective and Environmentally Friendly
When running a successful business, it is important that you take into account the costs that you incur from the everyday running of it. This is where you really see the benefits of a VDI. As with a lot of outsourcing, desktop virtualisation is more cost-effective, faster, and more productive than conventional methods. Being able to fix any fault with the desktop from a central location will reduce the amount of time it takes to get your business back online after a problem, which will increase the amount of uptime you will see. As well as this, it is also an incredibly environmentally friendly way to work as you will be using less energy instead of powering unnecessary desktop PCs. On the other hand, you will be extending the usable lives of the PCs you do have.